Hey there! It's nice to meet you! 

I'm glad to meet you! My name is Markie and I'm the owner here at Markie Jones Photography LLC. I love getting to help clients document their memories, from the simplest of sessions to the epic destination sessions that require 8 mile hikes (my favorite phrase: "But did you die?") that leave us tired and sore the next morning. For me, photography isn't just about the moment, but rather the emotions that go along with it. Documenting my own family has brought me joy that I want to share with the world. 

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, under an hour outside of Mount Rainier National Park. I didn’t grow up with a camera in my hand, in fact the majority of our family portraits were taken at a JCPenny studio. My love for photography was sparked by a simple convienece… I was failing college and my mom had a camera. “Photography will be easy” she said. I still almost failed college, but this time because I was skipping class to develop photos. Here we are years, and many camera upgrades, later and I’m still in love with photography. I even pull out those old film cameras from time to time. Now I focus on weddings, intimate events, journalistic portraiture and boudoir. When I’m not behind the camera or computer, I’m usually spending time with my children and pups or out exploring the greater Seattle area. Of course, there are still those random Netflix binge days too. 

I am a coffee lover, wine drinker, all around rockin’ photographer. I aim to misbehave and go where no man has gone before. I believe in true undying magical love, that hot glittery pink fixes every bland outfit and the answer to the universe is 42I am a zombie hunting, dragon slaying, gargoyle fighting, super mom. I spend more time driving Miss Piggy, than I do managing mischief. But if it’s necessary (or if it’s not) I may be found dancing in the street, or a vintage shop, or a KFC. Been there, done that, got the sweatpants. I’m strong willed, super geeky and fascinated with the world. But 99% of the time, I’m astounded by society. I’m a master mac’n’cheese chef, take epic adventures and keep the odds ever in my favor. I’m headed to infinity and beyond, because do or do not, there is no try. But best of all, I’m a memory snatcher, think outside the box creative mind and am willing to do wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff so that you have the memories to pass to your children. I am your friend, your master memory keeper, your photographer.

I'm super excited to start working with you! When you're ready to get going, fill out the contact form below! Need more information or just want to keep stalking me? Check out my Facebook Page or Instagram